Complete Roadmap For Amazon FBA Wholesale (USA)


New member
Wholesale FBA is the only business model in which the risk factor is almost negligible.
1. Create an Amazon seller account :
The First step for wholesale Fba is to create Amazon individual seller account on Pakistani details.
Requirements to create an Amazon seller account
Passport or Id card
Phone number
Utility bill
Bank statement
Credit or debit card
Credit card is preferable because the actual requirement of Amazon is credit card.
2. Company(LLC)creation :
Secondly, For FBA wholesale, We need a company(LLC).
The company is a Legal status of our business.
It represents us and our business in the USA
Benefits of Having a Company Our business is secure because the company is registered with the government of the country where we do business.
Secondly,When we contact brands to buy products at wholesale rates on behalf of our company, our business credibility is increased. The brand understands that they are working as a registered business. Brands will not do business with Company formation is mandatory for Wholesale business.
3. Professional seller account:
After LLC formation we will switch Amazon's individual account to a Professional account.
Note: Once your professional account is created on your company details, Amazon will charge you $40 per month regardless of whether you sell products or not.
4. Business Email and website:
We will also need a business mail and website as our company name through which we will contact brands or distributors to purchase products.
5. Product research:
The next step is to find the products.
In wholesale, we can find products in two ways
First, you can finalize the product with the help of tools and then contact the brand or distributor of that product to purchase a product from him.
Or hunt the brands and their distributors first and then contact them and get the product sheets from them. After that, we have to scan their sheets with the help of tools to finalize the product.
Tools use to scan Brands or distributor's Sheet
Scan Unlimited
Amz analyzer
6. How to contact with brands:
First, hunt a brand and find its website by searching it on Google.
Brands provide their email address and phone number on their websites.
Contact Through Email:
If your English is not very good, then you can mail to the brands. For this, first, you have to make a proper template in which we tell them our demand.
Through Call:
If Your English is good, we can also call the brand directly and ask for a wholesale account.
Note: This method is more efficient than mailing.
7. Inventory sending to prep: After finalize 2 or 3 products from the brand or distributor, we will order a testing inventory(10 to 15 units) of each product to see if the products are being sold or not and if the profit is coming or not.
We will send the testing inventory to the prep center where our products will be packaged in Amazon packaging.
8. Shipment plan creation: After that, we will create Shipment Plan on Amazon seller account, then Amazon will provide the FNSKU labels to us. We will give these labels to the prep center who will paste these labels on our products.
9. Inventory send to amazon: Then we send the inventory to Amazon.Amazon will Live our inventory in a few days.
If our products generates profit, we will order more inventory of the products(100 to 150) units of each product according to our budget and send them prep, and then the same process will be done again.
10. Investment to start Fba Wholesale:
The average budget for wholesale is 6k to 8k dollars, but we can also start with 3k dollars as well.
11. Main Tools For wholesale: Keepa (Paid) Helium 10 (Paid)
12. Profit:
In wholesale, 10% to 15% is considered as minimum profit, but it can goes up to 50%as well depending on your product selection.
would like to add on for the point 4: Initially we can work without a website too. not every ditributor requires it. Also gmail email works fine for starting. Well summarized tho.
@rajakrsna An Amazon Prep Center is a third-party service provider that helps Amazon sellers by preparing, packaging, and shipping their products to Amazon fulfillment centers. By using a prep center, sellers can save time and effort, ensuring that their products meet Amazon's strict requirements for packaging and labeling.
@tempfunny Hi Marriam, while your post answers all my questions that I came here looking for, I had few more; what if my supplier is from China and he packs and puts the skus labels on it and then send to Amazon. Does that work or having a packaging middle party is a must?
How can we do Successful Business in Amazon FBA PL "Private Label"?
Here are some basic tips for you:
Hunting the right product is the basic aspect of your business on Amazon. You should select the demanding product with the average competition. The category should be non-gated.
The product should be small in weight and dimensions in FBA, so we pay lower fees to Amazon.
Product sourcing is your second step. You should select manufacturers from B2B sites. All suppliers are not manufacturers, so you have to target manufacturers so that they can make your required design. Also, you should check the patent before ordering the inventory.
Listing is the key to ranking the product with the right targeted keywords.You must use all searchable keywords in your Titles, Bullet points, Description, Search terms, etc. Keywords will also help you in PPC.
A+ Photography with video is a good way to attract customers to your product. If you get this right, surely your customer would be agreed to buy your product.
PPC is your main step in the initial stage to show your product to customers.
You have to be aggressive initially until you get the organic sales. Then you can lower your bid price.
Account handling is art on Amazon. It requires good skills to generate sales.
It depends on your experience and how you plan to grow your business. However, you should find a way in all situations.
These are some major factors for your FBA PL Business that you must focus on.