If you want to start your own business on Amazon but with low budget and afraid of drop shipping account suspension,
If your mind your queries for arbitrage. so read this and i hope understand all things in online arbitrage.
- What is online arbitrage?
online arbitrage is a process in which we buy products from any retailers then sell on Amazon.
- Is online arbitrage same as wholesale?
everything is almost same but there are few difference. it is not same as wholesale because in wholesale we need brand approval but in OA we can sell product without approval. basically we hunt product which is not restricted from brand, we can say auto approved product.
- Can we start on individual account?
you can start it on individual account no need of business account,
- LLC or LTD is necessary for Online Arbitrage?
No it is not necessary, because we need LLC or LTD for brand approval but in online arbitrage we don't need approval so we can start without LLC or LTD..
- How much investment required for online Arbitrage?
we can start online arbitrage with 1500_2000$.
- Can we buy products in Bulk?
we cannot buy products in Bulk, because we are not buying from brand, we are buying from any local stores so in starting we buy 10_20 units.
In OA we source product locally from any online retailers like Walmart, Disney, Lowes, Home Depot etc,
- Is it Risky model as compare to Wholesale?
Online Arbitrage is much more secure than drop shipping, you may face IP complaint issues which can be removed easily. it is risky but less risky than drop shipping models.
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