Top 11 Lies of Amazon


New member
1 Amazon is the easiest platform in the entire universe to sell on.
2 All the rules are entirely clear.
3 The costs and margin keep getting better.
4 There are barely any ads on the platform.
5 Seller support is fast and is amazingly helpful.
6 The Chinese follow all the rules and help remove black hat tactics.
7 FBA never loses any of my inventory.
8 Amazon always ships my glass bottles in boxes and it's carriers politely and safely deliver my package.
9 Every program Amazon releases helps grow mysales.
10 Amazon is a fair marketplace.
11 I have an equal opportunity to make millions of dollars on Amazon.
Which lie is your favorite?
Keep ur books tidy, make record of each penny. ITS NOT OVERNIGHT MILLIONARE SHORTCUT dear Fellow Pakistanis.. It require Patience and Consistencies.
Very true ! But to overcome all this and come on top is the art ! If it was that easy, the whole world would be only selling on amazon. Amazon is a hard platform but once you get a good grip over it, you can eventually come on top !