Unwanted Marketplace Notifications on Amazon UK – Any Solutions?


New member
Hello everyone
Im selling on amazon uk, but recently îve npticed this unhealthy notification for the marketplaces that i have never signed up neither opened yet.
Is there any solution to get rid of this notification ? Will it be effecting to my amazon uk marketplace ?
Yes it. Will effect your current selling marketplace any day now.
Check notifications from these marketplace and try to address them as soon as possible to avoid any deactivation.
To eliminate those persistent notifications for new marketplaces, visit your Amazon Seller Central account's "Manage Your Marketplace" section and choose the option to "Remove Marketplace." This action won't affect your current Amazon UK marketplace operations.
If you're receiving notifications for unopened marketplaces on Amazon UK, contact Amazon Seller Support for assistance. It's crucial to resolve this promptly to avoid any impact on your Amazon UK marketplace.
Contact Amazon Seller Support to resolve the unauthorized marketplace notification. It shouldn't directly impact your UK marketplace, but addressing it promptly is advisable....
Nothing to worry
If you just visit those marketplaces you'll see a notification that your account is deactivated in those marketplaces. That notification is reflected as unhealthy and there is no connection of one market with another market in terms of account health
You signed or your account was automatically registered in EU + North America
Your account just got de-activated due to non activity in non america marketplaces. Therefore there is nothing to worry about you can continue selling on Amazon EU.