We are discouraging to launch private label listing under generic brand. Best thing is to registrer trademark and get amazon brand resgistry and list under that brand name to launch the product.
Second option is to list under your brand name even if you are not brand registered by providing branded product pictures and bypass Error 5665 . That pictures must have brand name written on Product so that amazon may allow you to list . Then you can registered the brand name at later stage but it is must for private label.
So if you dont want to register the brand on initial stage then bypass error 5665 after selecting a brand . Please do not go with generic brand while listing because it will he nearly impossible to convert it to your brand name from generic .
So always register brand for private label as you are building your brand and you should have ownership.
Second option is to list under your brand name even if you are not brand registered by providing branded product pictures and bypass Error 5665 . That pictures must have brand name written on Product so that amazon may allow you to list . Then you can registered the brand name at later stage but it is must for private label.
So if you dont want to register the brand on initial stage then bypass error 5665 after selecting a brand . Please do not go with generic brand while listing because it will he nearly impossible to convert it to your brand name from generic .
So always register brand for private label as you are building your brand and you should have ownership.